
Mary in the Kitchen's Top Picks

Two Ingredient Cookies


‘Sweet tooth’ is definitely not ever anything that comes to mind for me, but I can  definitely appreciate any healthy, wonderful mix of ingredients. I have a feeling  you will not believe this recipe until you try it. With that said, the base of this  cookie LITERALLY has two ingredients...

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Crockpot Chicken Philly Sandwiches

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I have always been a little skeptical about the crock-pot recipe phenomena. I’m kind  of obsessive over my food while it is cooking, not to mention, I am gone almost 12  hours a day...

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Deviled Eggs with Spiced Pecans


I’m definitely an appetizer type of girl. I would order 2 to 3 appetizers for myself  over a meal any day. One that I and so many can’t seem to escape at food oriented  gatherings is the, deviled egg. You have the simplest of them with a sprinkle of  paprika...

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Pork Tacos with Sriracha Slaw

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As I’ve stated before, who in the world doesn't love tacos? You can (quite literally)  put anything in them! This specific taco recipe came about due to our love for  those already-marinated pork tenderloins at the grocery store...

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