
Sunday, April 5, 2015

7 Layer Salad

This dish is a long-time family favorite. Just about every time I visit my family in the Midwest, my aunt prepares this dish for everyone and it is much appreciated! It is a simple yet beautiful and tasty salad that should be a staple at any potluck, dinner party or picnic.

Even though the dressing makes this salad super tasty, one thing I love about this recipe is that the ingredients take center stage - not the dressing. This salad has the perfect cool and crisp mixture of flavor, I guarantee it will become a long-time favorite of yours as well!

7 Layer Salad

1 head of Iceberg Lettuce
1 bunch of Green Onions
1 bag of Frozen Peas
1 bag of Shredded Cheddar Cheese
8 eggs (I recommend getting the ones that are already hard boiled and peeled)
1 package of Bacon (sometimes I go for the precooked option for ease - but cooking it definitely adds some more crisp)

It works best in a large clear glass bowl (you have to show off the beauty!) If you don't have one, any large bowl will do. First, grab all of your ingredients!

Start by chopping your iceberg lettuce into bite size pieces - this is your first layer. Next, add diced green onions.  Spread them out on top of the iceberg layer. The next layer is your frozen peas. I usually run the bag under water for a minute just to thaw them a bit (it is okay if they are still a bit frozen/cold). Layer them on top of the green onions.

Cover the peas with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Think of it like you are frosting the top of the cake - in this case, you are frosting peas :) Sprinkle a small handful (about 1 tablespoon) of sugar on top of the layer of mayonnaise.

Layer on the shredded cheddar cheese. You likely will not need the whole bag, just enough to create a small layer of cheese. Next, since I buy the eggs that are already hard boiled and peeled, I simply just chop them (into about 6-8 pieces) and sprinkle them on top to create the egg layer. Lastly, chop your bacon into bite size pieces and layer them on top of the egg pieces.

Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1-3 hours. That is one of the best parts about this salad is you can prepare it ahead of time and clear your schedule for your other party planning needs! Need to finish cleaning the house? Check. Need to pick up some last minute things at the store? Check. Not only is this dish simple, but it will be done way before your guests arrive!

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