
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Breakfast Cupcakes

I typically would not make something this involved on a Sunday, but in the case of these little guys – it is well worth a little extra effort! Especially for some Sunday Funday! We had another couple over recently. While the men worked out in the yard the ladies and the pup kept warm inside while we prepared a nice meal (while enjoying a mimosa or two). I’d say we got the winning end of that stick!

(our view)

(their view - the fence is coming along nicely!)

If you are looking for another breakfast recipe to add to your repertoire, this is definitely a winner.

Breakfast Cupcakes
1 non-stick 12-cup Muffin Pan
12 slices of Trader Joes Uncured Black Forest Bacon
12 medium-sized Eggs
1 package of fridge or frozen shredded Hashbrowns
½ cup sautéed Mushrooms
Salt & Pepper to taste

I can't repeat this enough times, but DO spray or grease your muffin pan VERY well and I recommend using a non-stick pan rather than a cheapie dollar store find. It’s well worth it.

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray or grease your muffin pan really well. Again, I can’t stress this part enough.

Partially cook bacon--it should NOT be cooked to crisp.  This will just render a lot of the fat out of it.  The bacon should be pliable.  Drain on paper towels and cool slightly.

If you choose to use mushrooms (makes it THAT much more yummy!), sauté mushrooms for about 5 minutes over medium heat in butter or oil of choice and set aside.

Now fit 1 slice of bacon loosely around the sides in each cup, lining the sides of the muffin cup, forming a bacon "cup". Place a small handful of shredded hashbrowns (thawed) at the bottom of each muffin cup. 

Place about 1 tblspn of the mushrooms on top of the hashbrowns. Finally, break egg and add to the bacon-lined cup on top of the mushrooms.  NOTE: The picture shows a version where I mixed the egg up with milk and poured on top. I think for this recipe, simply breaking it on top not only tastes better and cooks better, but looks better too! Sprinkle top of each egg with salt and pepper to taste.

Bake at 400 degrees F for 15-20 minutes, or until bacon is cooked to preference - don't overcook or the bacon will burn! Most importantly, enjoy!


  1. We may be having a Baconfest (or Wine and bacon) and ask you to come demonstrate!

  2. Holy smokes!!! Literally... A post about bacon?!?! This is the greatest food post since Fred Flintstone chisel-blogged on some rocks about the advent of sliced bread! Well and I see you have good taste! Is that pepper-cured bacon I see? I am going to try this your way and see how it turns out! Those breakfast cupcakes look like they could kill me softly, leaving me blissfully heart-attacked. What a way to go! Not quite as heroic as going out taking down a wild boar though. If that happens, the bacon the boar provides should be cooked your way.

    -Abby's almost former co-worker
