
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Blue Apron Delivery Service

As someone who cooks typically on a daily basis, it’s important to keep things interesting in the kitchen. Whether that mean scrolling through my trusty Pinterest board or leaning on a friend for a new recipe. Another cooking conundrum that tends to come up is the meal planning for the week. You miss one aspect of your grocery trip or original plan and the whole week is off – BOOM! Chinese takeout ensues.

Recently we tried out the Blue Apron Ingredient Delivery Service and I must say I am a pretty big fan. Do you enjoy cooking or want to learn how to? Give it a try. They essentially plan the meal for you and ship the ingredients to you for the week. My favorite aspects of the service are the lack of ‘crap, I forgot cucumbers’ and the flexibility of being able to go out if you want to and just make that meal the next night! Did I mention you can pick vegetarian, meat and/or fish dishes in your delivery service?

Blue Apron Delivery Service Furikake Salmon

Blue Apron Delivery Service Furikake Salmon

I definitely had my concerns. As a person who typically enjoys most aspects of meal planning, not having control over this portion of the meal made me wonder if this was something I would enjoy. Also, would we like these meals? We love big flavor and meals with ethnic flare! There was indeed a great balance of dishes in the weeks that we tried – not to mention you are always able to throw in your own twists. Like a little more lime in your slaw? Add it. Not feeling adventurous? Follow their instructions to the tee.

You will especially want to stick to their instructions if and when they give you out-of-the-box ingredients (another one of my favorites about the service). One of the salmon dishes we tried called for miso paste (never used it before) so they send you a perfectly portioned package of it to use down to the drop that you need it. Those times of big cans and tubs of random ingredients sitting in your fridge are gone forever (not to mention the price).

So the price – it is $9.99/person per meal. In a typical package you would be getting three meals for the week so your total would be just about $60.00. Definitely cheaper than heading to your nearest Outback or Chinese takeout – not to mention you are eating fresh and healthy ingredients in the right portions. I will say though, there are some meals that I make at home that are cheaper per person it is just a matter of what I am making and how much of it. With that said, you could not buy all of the fresh ingredients plus the out-of-the-box sauces, etc and get away with $9.99/person – so all around WINS there!

Overall, this Blue Apron idea is pretty stellar for people who love to cook or who are wanting to learn how. Do you appreciate fresh ingredients, eating well and homecooked meals? Give it a try. I hope you have enjoyed this post and more importantly I hope you get your Blue Apron Ingredient Delivery Service today!

Have you tried Blue Apron? What are your thoughts?

Rice and Beef-Stuffed Poblano Peppers with Lime-Crema Sauce

Cod & Miso Soba Noodles with Multicolored Cherry Tomatoes & Eggplant

Furikake-Topped Salmon with Fresh Edamame & Miso-Sesame Black Noodles

Blue Apron Delivery Service Furikake Salmon

Blackened Chile-Dusted Chicken with Zucchini Rice Pilaf & Corn-Tomato Salsa

Blue Apron Delivery Service Chile-Dusted Chicken

Blue Apron Delivery Service Chile-Dusted Chicken


  1. Your colors are tantalizing! Black Noodles?! Are they colored with squid ink? Great post!

    -Abby's co-worker

  2. I am planning to make your recipe for man pleasin' chicken tomorrow night for a big party. Do the scallions blacken or caramelize when you immerse them in the sauce and then bake it on the chicken? Just wondering. Thanks for all your tips! Looking forward to your next post!

    -Abby's Co-worker

  3. Looks both delicious and healthy! Yum!

  4. Looks both delicious and healthy! Yum!

  5. I'd certainly love to get some parcels with a few of those stuffed peppers inside... holy cow those look amazing.
