
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hosting My First Cooking Class: Bring on the Nerves

tzoo_p_local_59904_ozumoOne of my favorite things about cooking is being able to share my passion for food with the people I love, family and friends. Recently, with the creation of this blog, I have been able to extend beyond just friends and family, although, only from behind a computer screen and some pretty pictures. Now that I am finally preparing to host my very own cooking class, this notion of ‘sharing’ has taken on a whole new meaning! (EEK!)

Why the nerves? Not because things typically go wrong or the confidence isn’t there, rather, because they always could go wrong.

Now that the time has come and the classes are only a week away lots of thoughts have come to mind… Is anyone going to come? Is the venue going to work? Are the attendees going to LOVE it? They have to LOVE it, right?

Months of preparation have gone into the creation of “Sushi Making 101”. Whether it be practicing on my family, ‘rolling’ out the details (ha-ha get it?), brushing up on sushi preparation tips, or purchasing more Asian-inspired kitchenware; all the pieces are definitely there. So again, why the nerves?

At the end of the day, I think this feeling is completely normal and I couldn’t be more excited! When you take pride in your work and the ability to succeed, that often comes with some nerves, like anything else. To be able to pull off this cooking class without a hitch would mean that this hobby of mine has really come full circle! I mean who doesn’t LOVE sushi, right?

It will be fine… I think… :-P

Stay tuned!

Here is the link:

1 comment:

  1. MP! I was watching a guy make sushi last night at a local restaurant in PA and thinking about your upcoming class. I'm sure it will work out well and attendees will learn a lot and have fun! Love ya lots!
