For this dinner idea I included my favorite guacamole and grilled steak recipes:
2-4 Hass Avocados
1 teaspoon Red Wine Vinegar (adds a wonderful touch of flavor, this is the key)
1 bunch Cilantro
2 tablespoons of store-bought salsa (or homemade works too)
2 Limes and 1 Lemon (to stop avocado from browning)
Sea Salt and Pepper to taste
For this super simple and tasty guacamole recipe all that is needed are a couple of ingredients, primarily because it utilizes store-bought salsa. First, cut the avocados into chunks and into your bowl. Next, add the salsa, red wine vinegar, cilantro (finely diced), salt and pepper to taste, juice of the limes, and lemon if you like (adding a tiny bit of lemon juice helps to reduce the browning that occurs when avocados have been cut).
Combine all of these ingredients and lightly mash with a fork. Authentic guacamole is not suppose to be blended to a dip consistency like most store-bought versions are. It is not only better, but tastier, to go the chunky route!
2 boneless rib-eyes
1/2 a cup of ground coffee (whatever your personal favorite may be)
1-2 tablespoons of Cayenne Pepper
Salt and Pepper (mainly) to taste
Hit your grill medium to medium high.
Coffee may sound like an odd ingredient to utilize when cooking a nice, juicy steak. Although, after trying it I cannot imagine a better seasoned steak. TRUST ME. After dry-rubbing the steak completely with the coffee, cayenne, salt and pepper it is ready to grill.
Cook for 3-5 minutes on either side to get a nice medium-rare temperature. Look at that juicy goodness falling right out on to the cutting board!

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